Friday, August 27, 2010

My Gothique Assignment 6 Results! The last....

I got eliminated! :-( I did get thrid though! :-)

16/20 - Fashion/Setting/Pose
9/10 - Creativity
8/10 - Picture
8.5/10 - Overall
This is a really good picture. I love your model's pose...very simple, but effective. However, the extras are really distracting. Also, never forget the power of the can take an outfit from emo to goth... Good job.

17/20 - Fashion/Setting/Pose
8.5/10 - Creativity
8.5/10 - Picture
8.5/10 - Overall- I really like the set and there is a lot going on...but my eyes are still drawn to your model, which I am happy about. I think the picture may be a little too bright. But I'm also thinking, were the other people really necessary? And it doesn't really...scream fashion add. But none the less you still did a good job.
Total: 85/100

Well this is the first competition I ever made to the end too. I had drop out of competitions before for good reasons. One for computer problems and 2 (at the same time) for a death in the family. So, now I can say I made to the end of a comp. It is kinda relief, because the last two assignment I drew complete blank. I would have awesome idea in my head, then I would turn the game on and then the idea fell apart. Then I would freak out and no other ideas would come to me, nothing. It started after the sloth picture and got worse. This last picture was me trying to put as much detail and pieces of ideas all in one picture. Bad idea! :-( I also missing writing a poem for it. Well I can't say I gave up, because I almost did a couple times. I didn't though. Now I can concentrate on Vanity and Late Night coming. If join another comp, it will be one and something I'm really into. I love goth cuture, but I didn't know as much as thought I did.
Thank you Akasha, Phoebe, and Tobz for helping me and letting enjoy this wonderful comp! It was a honor competing with everyone in that comp. Good luck PK and JK! :-D


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