Wednesday, August 4, 2010

For some crazy reason I want to start my own modeling comp!

I'm big fan of America Top Model and Project Runway, so I always thought it would be fun to start my own modeling comp. I'm competing in two comps already though and I might be asking for too much. I would totally be embarrassed if it failed. I want do a America top model type first with little editing to make things challenging and good amount of people. Start off with all female models and see if I can make a successful comp. I've been seriously thinking about it for awhile. I might do it on the main site and see how it goes first. 2 judges including myself. A guest judge every once in awhile.
Good idea? Bad idea?

Update: I need a name dudes!!!! D:
NVM!!! :-D


  1. I'd been thinking a similar thing myself, but I know I wouldn't have time to fully run my own... therefore, if you do do a comp I'd like to put myself forward as a guest judge XD

    I think you'd be good as a competition host dear- I imagine you'd be fair and dedicated :)

  2. aw thank u Fury! *hugs* When u do get time u should and sure you can be guest judge. ;-)

  3. I think its a good idea Vid :)

    Since I suck at modeling,i can judge.

    I agree with Fury,you would be am amazing judge and host.

  4. Sounds like an awsome idea. :D

    Can wait to see what it will look like.


  5. I think it's a great idea and that you would be good at it. I don't think I'd make a good judge, as believe it or not, when it comes to judging stuff people have created, I can't find a bad thing to say about it. I'm horrible at criticizing creativity. =P

  6. Cooklez u can be judge. :-D im so excited. i just took a pic to represent it and looks so cool. Now I need a name!

  7. Well if anything, I'm good with graphics, so if you need graphics help, just lemme know. That goes for anyone who may need pics done or graphics. I was going to announce on my blog tonight that I'm up for creating graphics for people, whether blog graphics, pics, etc. etc. I miss making them

  8. oh yay! I might need you. I'm no good with graphics.

  9. Happy to help. Email me if you ever need anything done


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