Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I'm going make another blog for my comp(s)!

Once I'm done building a set for gothique, I'm going be setting up a blog for Vanity and other comps I make in the future. I will still post the results of the comp I'm in here, like gothique, but soon all Vanity stuff will be moving to my new blog!  Gothique is about to end sadly and Kawaii looks like it won't continue due our host having computer problems. She is amazing host and it's just one of those things.

Anyway I'm going to join some other comps as you know I get bored easily with nothing to do. Whatever results I get from them will stay here, but my comp stuff will go to the new blog. I will also post the winners of each round with pictures there and the assignments. I might also post pictures that didn't make number 1, but were so good they deserved to be shown. This way my lurkers can have easier way to lurk if  they are too lazy to look through the threads and find them.

Oh and further more, I'm still thinking about moving the comp off ts3 forum to Cstyles, but I don't want any dropouts because of the move. I have to think on it and get my contestants opinions. When we reach final 10 I think might make the move, but still not sure.

P.S. I get play with templates again! Yays! Also Micky101037, please choose another month! 

Update: Made it, since I'm not going start my comp pic till I get some food. Waiting on food now. xD Link after I design it!

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