Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Jess, what happen?

Is it because of the drama? I'm so sorry if it was! Please leave Jess alone! She doesn't deserve it and Jess please take anon comments off. It will solve the troll problem. I also saw alot spam on your chat box. To get rid of them, click cbox, log in, click messages and check the people you want banned. Click ban. You might know that already, but I think everyone should know this. I know don't if it will help, but I'm worried that my troubles had something to do with this. :-(


  1. she told me she disabled it but didnt say why

  2. I don't know why she'd keep it if nobody could read it, she doesn't let people tell her their emails. Hopefully she's okay, and I doubt that she'd delete it because of drama, Vid.

  3. i kno but i cant help but think i cause this. the latest drama has something to do wit me and came to her about my problems. thats all. She made post about it on her blog and they were being rude under comments. I would have never brought that mess on her if so. :-(

  4. she hasnt been around today at all, im starting to worry a little

  5. Sorry Vid! I made it readers only because I was fed up of all the drama, I did make a post about it before I made the change and I informed the girls at PP. Should of posted it at Simpletons too really to stop Zeri worrying. Sorry!!

  6. im so sorry that happen. i never meant to get u caught up the drama. :-(


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