Friday, January 14, 2011

A update on my Lestat....

Good? Bad? Tom Cruise is very hard to make. The hair is bugging me the most. All I want is some curly long hair for guys FFS!


  1. ah the GOOD lestat XD
    well i think its very good! yeah tom cruis is VERY hard, i can see that the basic features are there, but there is something.. missing.. i think its the eyes, something about tom's eyes are just deep and intense... i have NO idea how to get that into a sim tho haha.
    i think the hair you have there is perfect. hes really good :D

  2. Aw thanks. Yeah he's of those celebs you can't quite capture excatly. I'm happy how it turned out though. I've been looking at him in CAS so long I wasn't sure.

    And I will probably settle with that hair as it's not a lot of curly hair choices.

    Now I'm going try to figure out how to make Claudia a vamp. Once I do, Armand might come later. ;)

  3. i think that hair is perfect, since he had a hairdo very similar in a few scenes. now claudia's hair, that one will be tough


    I used that for Claudia. I hate the flatness of it, but oh well.

    Lestat hair is peggy b/w. :P

  5. One sec. Going upload them again in a sec. I saw your comment.

  6. I want to download it!!

  7. It is the user who posted the blog without permission your photo. It is put in a separate site only photo I found by searching.
    @mmny_1314 is Twitter TomCruise 's Fake account.
    This is the account that thing confusing. This person is using the reaction from the fans and Tom Cruise himself.
    I will fill the description original photographs used by searching the site. It is a rule.
    One's photograph was stolen, too and was contributed without permission. It was evaluated.
    Please report whether cooperation, this Twitter account. I need your help.

  8. I love what you've done. I have to ask, though, what hair style did you use? And would you have this sim available for download? I really want to play it! Thanks. :)


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