Sunday, June 5, 2011

Vanity Cycle 3? Coming soon....

I'm about to end the only competition I have on the forums. That means I won't have any competitions at all. Well that's if "I do" modeling doesn't pick up. :( I'm about to be compless! Ahhhh the horror! Guess I better get to work on Vanity Cycle 3 then. Yep, that will be next competition I do and then Battle of the Bands again. I'm not sure if I'm doing mangaka again. Would hate do another volume and it doesn't stand up to the first one.

Anyway, just wanted to say Vanity Cycle 3 with the ladies is coming back. Not right away, but it's coming. Just need a small break to gather ideas. :)


  1. lol I figure the summer is pefect timing for it and I missed it. Kinda excited to do it again. xD

  2. YESSSS!!! I want to be in it like old times! And now that I have time, I'll be able to get them in quicker, or at least on time xD


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