Monday, June 25, 2012

The Odd Couple Assignment 5 Pic + Scores

Arnie + Maggie by Pink - 74/90
Arnie isn't very good at being romantic. Sure he took me star gazing that one time, but the mosquitoes ate us alive that day. Then after moving in together, he tried cooking me dinner and he almost burned down the house. So after a long day of bussing tables, the whole set up kind of went over my head and I wasn't in the best of moods. I stepped in throwing my bags on the couch and I looked down to see a trail of rose petals. I instantly thought Arnie had knocked over a vase of roses or something, but then I followed the trail to a bunch of candles.

"Arnie! Are you trying to set the house on fire again? What's with all these candles?" I yelled. Even then I hadn't quite caught on, but I turned into the hallway leading to our new bedroom to see even more candles and roses.

I open the door to see Arnie all dressed up in a tux and instantly began laughing. "What in the world? Why are you dressed like that?"

He blushed, smiling a nevous smile and he took my hand into his. He pulled me towards him saying nothing. He bent down on one knee before me and began fumbling around for something in one of his pockets. He pulled out a small black box and even then I still hadn't figured it out. He said some really sweet stuff about it being fate and wanting to spend his life with me. Then he open the box to reveal an engagment ring and then it finally hit me. I gasped not knowing what to say at first as he said those special words, but then I knew the answer immediately.

"Yes yes, of course I'll marry you."

Creativity: 4/5
Relates to Assignment: 5/5
Execution: 4/5
Story: 4/5
Overall: 8/10

Creativity: 3/5
Relates to Assignment: 5/5
Execution: 4/5
Story: 4/5
Overall: 7/10

Creativity: 4/5
Relates to Assignment: 5/5
Execution: 4/5
Story: 5/5
Overall: 8/10
Your picture is really good as usual, but I don't think this one was as great as they have been in the past. I think what's really great about your pictures is all the detail you put into them, but in this one the background is so dark that it's hard to make those details out ( I actually thought the rose petals behind them were blood at first glance). After Arnie and Maggie, my eyes aren't drawn to those little romantic gestures that Arnie laid in place for Maggie- they're drawn to the scene outside, where the blue stands out from the colors you've got going inside. While the posing and expressions of your couple is perfect, I feel like everything else sort of blends together; I feel like it's almost too dim to really appreciate the smaller details of the picture. Your story really added to it, I thought; it was really cute, and I think they always bring your Sims personalities to life.

Meh I thought I would do better than this, but 3rd ani't bad.

As for the picture, I wanted do something safe and traditional. My other choice in picture was the complete opposite, but after seeing another contestant picture (which was similar to that one) and thinking it over I decided to choose this one. I do like it for the reaction and scenery outside, but maybe I should have changed the color the room a bit. A cream color maybe? Everything does kinda blend I guess. Oops. lol >_<

To be honest, I haven't been feeling very inspired lately in this comp. I love it, but I'm going blank everytime I get a new assignment. Again, I'm blank. :/

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