Monday, April 29, 2013

Simiverse Corp. Next Top Ad Designer: Cycle 1: A1 SCORES

Assignment 1: Clothing ad with EA clothes only!
Yikes! 4th place
Oh well. I got some tough competition. :P

Team Vid Overall: 44/50

Style 8/10
Presentation 5/5
Concept 5/5
Execution 4/5
Total: 22/25
Comments: This was really nicely done Vid! Just a few things to comment on really: biker boots or even some knee high boots would have nailed it for the female. The male, with his hand in his pocket, it looks a tad weird since the pocket is higher up. Great attempt tho at trying to edit it, you can see a bit of smudginess. The picture was also a bit too dark that you couldn't make out the texture of the black skirt or boots. Overall tho, love the street fighter feel ya got going on.

Style: 8.5/10
Presentation: 4/5
Concept: 5/5
Execution: 4.5/5
Total: 22/25
Comments: I like that you went with a more…”alternative” approach to the assignment. With the darker colors and such. Your models looks awesome and really pulled off the “street fighter” look. Whenever I look at your photo I’m reminded of the Fast and Furious movie. I think that combat boots would have looked better on your female model though. And I would have liked to have seen more color with your male models outfit. But overall, I think you did a great job for the first assignment!

Well it didn't turn out like the glorious picture in my head, but I got it as close as I could get. They were 3 versions of this pictures, because I was having a hard time getting the setting right. Then the poses and the clothes were off for me. Especially for my male model. I forgot how limited EA clothes are for males. Heck in general clothes are limited for males. I kind of lost my idea for his outfit.

Then the poses were off, because the ones I chose didn't show off the clothes well. I had to go back and do it all over again for that actually. >_<

Anyway, I was trying copy off of those really high end fashion ads. Then when that idea started flopping, I panicked and kind of lost some of my ideas with it.

I do like it a lot still, but I can do better.

The next assignment will have me doing an ad for a resort and a brochure cover for extra. I'll think I'll scale back a bit for this one and use only one model this time. I do have an idea somewhat, but then that could change if I get sabotaged. o_o

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