Friday, February 6, 2015

Rebel Modeling: Princess Edition- Assignment 3 Scores

Hipster Ariel
Ahhh...I don't like 6th place. Must do better! >_<

46 points
Creativity: 7.5/10
Setting/Background: 8/10
Rebel Princess: 7.5/10
Total: 23/30

This was an understated approach, but I like it. I like that you maintained the color scheme for Ariel and I think that her “so what: attitude is pretty cool. I would have liked to see her holding a coffee cup or a boho bag or something to show a little more interaction with her environment, but all in all, this was a solid photo.

Creativity: 7.5/10
Setting/Background: 8/10
Rebel Princess: 7.5/10
Total: 23/30

Vid this is great! Your model look sleek! I have to to admit, I don't
understand parts of it though, the whole bakery thing confuses me. It is a good set
but why a bakery? Also your models outfit is rebel, but she looks bored and isn't doing anything particularly rebellious.
Looks stunning otherwise! :)

I actually thought I would do better than this score wise, but I didn't think my pic was all that exciting either. It kind of safe and just there. It's missing something. Probably a better pose.

As I said in my previous post in regards to this comp, I don't really have a grasp on what a hipster is. Still don't. I had a totally different idea in my head till I read these requirements. I actually wanted to do a pin-up Ariel in a bar with sailors or maybe some pirates. I even went looking for cc for it and then I doubled back to read that it had to be a hipster version of her. :/ So I googled hipster outfits and just winged it from there.

The setting is not what I envisioned, but it's close. I wanted more a of cafe since I couldn't do a bar. It turned into more of a bakery than a cafe. I think the thought of building with the bakery set got me all excited. Too excited. I needed more cafe stuff and I unfortunately found it after I did the pic, but I do think the overall sea/boat theme of the cafe worked out like I wanted.

The styling was a pain in my side, because I don't know the whole hipster look really. I went through so many outfits I lost count. Even picking hair was a struggle. I just finally got fed up with it and with this look. I like it, but I wanted do a pin-up version of her so bad. :/

I think the major problem with this pic is her pose. She needed to be interacting with something or at least holding something. I got tired and annoyed with this picture, so I kind of just picked a pose to be done with it. I should have at least tried the cup holding poses I saw and edited in the cup at least. Oh well.

The next assignment is to show Belle from Beauty and The Beast in a portrait shot (from the waist up), but she has to be GOTHIC! Wooooo! Well kind of woo! I'm having trouble getting those two concepts to mesh together. If I can get the styling just right I think I can pull this off. Wish me luck. This comp is kicking my butt. lol

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