Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Going Vogue - Assignment 1 Scores

4th Place 
Vid - 88.5/105
I'm not really proud of this one.  I'll take 4th, but eh not my best. >_<

Quality 10/10
Appearance 8/10
Requirements 5/5
Creativity 4/5
Setting 3/5
Total 30/35
Vid, I think you did a great job representing Hepheastus! She looks stunning in a red dress, and yet she still manages to look like a Greek Goddess! The set is great, except the buildings in the background I didn't really care for. Also her pose didn't really work for me, it looks like she isn't paying attention to the camera. It's a great picture Vid, but I feel like this is a step down from the last assignment.

Quality 8.5/10
Appearance 8/10
Requirements 5/5
Creativity 4/5
Setting 4/5
Total 29.5/35
I think Rachel represents the god(dess) of fire well, I really like her red gown which stands out against the fiery background. I think this is a nice photoshoot from you, but a safe one. Good job!

Quality 8/10
Appearance 8/10
Requirements 5/5
Creativity 4/5
Settings 4/5
Total 29/35
I love how calm your model looks amongst the chaos of the fire- it screams Hepheaestus to me (by the way how DO you pronounce that? It looks like hepatitis to be honest). The castle on the hill don’t really look grecian, but I digress before I start talking Spanish architecture. I love how she is styled, but I hate how far away she is. It’s hard to make out her gorgeous photos with her so far back, this photo could have been done on a smaller scale to get more of her in the shot.

I didn't think I would score that high. I had a lot issues with this picture. For one, it took me forever to settle on a dress, then I couldn't really think of a good setting, and I couldn't even find a good pose. When I finally got around to doing the actual picture I was already frustrated. Creating the fire effects just made it worse and my game even froze while I was doing it. Then I just seem to lose focus on the model itself and became more worried about the key elements being in the picture, which should of been secondary things. When I finished this picture I was just totally over it. I knew I wasn't getting a top spot and I was ok with that. It was a really hard picture and bit off more than I could chew. I would of done better cutting the sim out and putting a more appropriate background behind her with flames.

4th is alright, but it's definitely a step down from my last assignment. I actually chose to do another bodyshot for the next assignment just so I can redeem myself. Well I hope I redeem myself anyway. Kind of makes me nervous. I find that getting close up shots is a lot easier than bodyshots. Gotta work on those more.

If I have to say anything positive about this picture, it's a decent picture. It's not horrible. It's just safe and ok.

For the next assignment I had do a sexy formal wear photo shoot with a male model as extra/accessory. I chose Alan from the Seeing Double comp I'm in for my male model. I have no idea what place I might end in this time. A lot good pictures! >_<

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