Monday, October 17, 2011

Death by modeling? WTF!

Well today I'm feeling so much better and I decided do a example picture for the final assignment of vanity. It all started off pretty normal. Was going through poses to see which one fit the idea of assignment as you see below. (Vanity contestants this picture probably won't be the final by the way)
Then out of nowhere while trying another pose....

Dionate is on fire! Ahhh!!!
RIP Dionate Miles
Then another fire started!!!
Grim to the rescue...
Grim: Look lady do I look like a fireman to you?
Grim: How this work again?
Yay fire out, but poor Dionate. His first modeling job too.
LOL I never had a fire break out doing a photoshoot. Was so random! I was laughing so hard when it happen. Like WTF?! Bwhahaha! Even my father stopped to watch. Best photoshoot ever! :P


  1. lol! it's funny when he does stuff like this, when my game was working he never did this he used to clean up all the kids toys, god knows why though lol

  2. lol! it's funny when he does stuff like this, when my game was working he never did this he used to clean up all the kids toys, god knows why though lol

  3. Come on baby, light my fire! 

    What memory is she clocking up when Grim is using the fire extinguisher? 

  4. I tried saving him, but then he just turned into ashes. xD

  5. I rarely get funny randomness in my game and it definitely surprised me. I totally needed that. Was so funny. :D

  6. Lol, oh dear....spontaneous combustion 

  7. Haha, appearently too hot! :P

  8. LOL!! gotta love those crazy unexpected moments

  9. lol!   I love fires!  Dionate was a hot model!!   Bwhahaha! 


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