Saturday, November 3, 2018

Dead On Arrival~ Episode 25: Decayed (Part 2)

Episode 25: Decayed (Part 2)
My mind was spinning trying to comprehend what we had seen. I wanted to believe that there was safety in amongst these walls. Safety amongst the darkness that lurked within, but the world was again caving in on us. Driving us away from any semblance of normalcy and security. I wanted to curse myself for getting too comfortable. For playing native when I clearly saw the writing on the wall. Was Madison right all along? Was this place doomed from the start?


“Fuck curfew!” Matthew roared.


“Oh please, Nate. He’s a teenager. Get real!”

“Yeah, but others can hear you!” I whispered glancing over at two guards staring at us as we stood in the hallway now. “One of us needs to take Tao back to his room. I don’t think he should go alone considering…”

“Hey! I can take care of myself!” the teenager protested. “I’m not some little kid. I’m not going anywhere. I want to help!”

“But your sister needs you more,” I asserted eyeing the young man.

“He’s right you know? She needs you,” Matt said nodding in agreement. He then smiled cutting his eye at me. “I sure couldn’t imagine going through a loss like that without my brother by my side.”


“Kid, now it’s not the time to play hero. Trust me. They’ll be time for that, but for now, you need to see your sister. Ease her mind. You all she’s got now. Just trust me on this. ”

“Alright. Fine, “ he groaned rolling his eyes.

Matt put his arm the around boy smirking. I ruffled the boy’s hair and whispered in Matt’s ear, “Good job.”

“See. I know how to handle these kids and I didn’t even curse,” he whispered back. “Now you be a good boy and go back to your room for curfew. We’ll talk there.”

I then watch him guide the brooding boy down the hallway. He glanced back giving me a small nod and a smile before disappearing around the corner. Part of me wishing I tagged along as I felt lonely in the now empty hallway. I headed for my room making sure not to get the attention of any stray guards lurking about. As I passed a nearby office I heard someone calling for me. I froze listening for the voice. I then felt a pair of arms wrap around me and pull me inside the room. I fell backward letting out a small cry and peered up into the face of Madison.

I started to speak, but she firmly put her hand on my mouth stopping me. She stood up, pulled the door to the room close, and sat down beside me breathing heavily.

“For a minute I thought you were, Matt but you will do,” she whispered.


“You were an orderly or nurse right? That can be useful. These files aren’t exactly easy to read,” she said pulling out a stack of files. “Dr. Pinto definitely writes like a doctor. Scribbles and all.”

I rub my head squinting at her. “What are you even looking for?”

“I’m looking for floor plans. Information. Codes. Anything we could use to get out of here. Did Tao show you the roof?”

I nodded and sat up staring at her. My mind still spinning. I then got my bearings as I realized that it wasn’t the doctor’s room as I first thought. Not at all. It was an office, but it was bright pink littered with glass objects and art on the walls. I also noticed we were behind a large desk. One I almost bumped my head on sitting up actually. I looked down at the plush carpet beneath feeling a ticklish sensation at my nostrils. I closed my eyes trying to hold it in, but a large sneeze came out causing Madison to jump and drop the papers in her hand.

“Could you be any louder?” she snapped.

“Where the hell are we anyway?”

“We’re in Marilyn Stone’s office. Sargent Stone’s wife I assume. I must say she has interesting taste in decor.”

“Stone’s wife? Shit! Are you crazy?”

“You know you whine just like your brother. It’s annoying.”

“That’s because you do crazy stuff like this!”

“I know. I know. Your brother already warned me about her and my snooping, but I’m not scared and I’m definitely not scared of her. I spent way too much of my life being scared,” she said flipping through papers. “Besides, if you help me we can get out of here faster and maybe not get caught!”

“How the hell you get in here anyway?” I asked stifling another sneeze. “I doubt I can be any help.”

“The door was cracked open. Tao told me the lock on her door was broke.”

“Tao. Of course,” I mumbled before sneezing again.

“Shhh…quit the sneezing. You got a cold or something?”

“No. I’m allergic to cats. There’s cat fur all over the carpet I think. Does she have a cat?”

“I don’t know. Didn’t see any when I came in here,” she said standing scanning the room. “Maybe it’s the carpet.”

“No, it has to be a cat. It’s the only thing I’m allergic to. Well, the only thing we’re allergic to. Matt’s allergic to cats too you know, but unlike me he hates them.”

She chuckled, “Figures. Is there anything he likes besides you?”


She blushed. “Nah. I’m pretty sure he finds me annoying. I’m going really owe him one if we get out of here though.”

“Sounds like he owes you. Maybe you call it even? Besides, don’t you owe Lin a pair of shoes.”

She laughed again. “Do you think Payless has custom Louis Vuitton heels?”

She handed me a file with red markings on it. I looked down at it reading it.“Terminate…Grace Wallace. Hey, this is Grace’s file. What does terminate mean?”

“Kill off. Bite the dust. Murder she wrote?”

“I know that, but you don’t think they want to…?

“Well, it certainly doesn’t mean she’s the terminator that’s for sure!” she said handing me another file. “What this all about? “Timothy William Stone? Think they’re related?”

“Maybe. Actually, it might be about their son. The night I was hiding in the storage room with Lin I overheard Pinto and Stone talking about his son.“

"Ah…interesting. So what does it say?”

“Mentions test subjects and talks about ‘rapid decomposition’…Wait. Decomposition?”

“Shit! I think someone’s coming! Get down!” she shrieked. She pushed me further under the desk and threw herself under it huddle up beside me. Just as she did a group of people entered. I spied three pairs of shoes to be specific. They were having a spirited conversation from the sounds of it and I instantly knew what voice belonged to who.

Dr. Pinto, Marilyn Stone, and Sargent Stone. Dr. Pinto’s being the most recognizable as he whimpered in his posh English accent. The doctor appeared to be in yet another heated conversation, but with both Stone’s this time.

“I’ve done what I’ve could. I’m not going to do it anymore,” he moaned as he walked over to the desk. He stopped in front of us causing us to freeze in our positions, but he continued. “It’s not fair to me. It’s not fair to anyone. Do you two realize what you’re doing? What you’re doing to Tim?”

“Did I say you had a choice in the matter, Aaron? I don’t remember me giving you a choice!” Sargent Stone shouted.

“William! Doctor! Please! You’re scarring Ms. Fluffy. Please lower your voices.” the Mrs. cooed as the sound of a purring cat could be heard. “If the good doctor doesn’t want to help, Timmy maybe we should get someone else.”

“Yeah. Not the first time I’ve replaced weak links.”

Mrs. Stone walked over to the side desk with her pink heels and placed a white fluffy cat on the floor. The cat shook flinging white little hairs into the air. I held my breath watching them float over to us and felt another sneeze coming on. Madison’s eyes widen and she put her hand over my mouth again. Unfortunately, it didn’t work. A small sneeze escaped.

“What was that?” I heard the Sargent asked.

The doctor promptly looked down spotting the two of us under the desk. We stared up back at him. Our frightened expressions mirrored images of each other. The doctor immediately looked back and strangely began stomping his feet.

“What was that? Did you see something Aaron?” Stone wife inquired.

He shook his head. “I…I saw a mouse. Damn vermin!”

“That good for nothing cat been cooped up in this room all this time and he can’t even catch a mouse?” William Stone snarled.

Then the cat walked passed Pinto’s legs. He did his best to shoo it away with his foot, but Marilyn walked over to him glaring back at him prompting him to stop. The cat then walked over to us meowing rubbing against Madison’s leg. She then came over to me rubbing her flowing white fur up against my chest and it felt like my head might explode. I held in another sneeze placing my own hands over my face. The doctor glanced down watching me and he began pushing the woman away.

“I…I think we should go see him. See Tim. He hasn’t had his bedtime story remember? You do that every night. Yes, yes, let’s see him, “ he stammered.

Wait! I think Fluffy see something,” she shrilled.

“What the hell has gotten into you, Aaron?” the Sargent growled pushing pass the both of them as I sneezed again. He came over to the desk and peered under it at us. He gasped looking surprised, but his face slowly morphed into a mask of anger.

“Friends of yours, Aaron?!”

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