Wednesday, April 1, 2020

PropZ- Round 9. Check out my tiny dancer.

Third Place
🔮 Round 9🔮
❄ Model: Lydia Brooks
Prop: Glass. With the model in the glass.
Back in the top three, but barely. Was hoping I scored better.

School didn't exactly give me a lot of time to do it, but I knew what I wanted to do exactly. Does it look rush? I've done a jar before, so I wanted to do something completely different from that. Then I was looking around my house and saw a snowglobe. My grandmother has a lot of little trinkets like that everywhere. I also thought about doing a mermaid in an aquarium as we have those too (empty ones), but someone beat me to it. It was a popular idea anyway and the snowglobe was always my first choice.

I did this in two parts. The background behind the globe is in-game and the globe with Lydia was added in. The globe was empty, so I created the scenery too.

Now I'l leave you with my idea and the story in my head:

Basically, she is a forgotten trinket left on the shelf. The boy was fascinated and infatuated with her as a child. He watched the snow fall gracefully upon her as she danced, but he grew up and forgot about her. Left on the shelf to collect dust. Forgotten and broken.

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