Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Update in regards to my uncle...

My uncle is better. Still in the hospital, but better. For a minute it wasn't looking good. Doctors said he almost died. Then he had to get surgery on his throat. Turned out he had aspiration pneumonia. It's a condition where food and stomach content can be inhaled into the lungs. I literally read about it in my biology book as this was going on. Strange coincidence. The surgery in regards to that though.  Pneumonia is no joke. My aunt died from that. He also had a really bad infection and some memory issues. Like for a moment, he didn't really remember us. It was fuzzy sort of. His memory has now returned, but he's back to being his old self. Complaining and complaining and complaining. *sigh*

The only thing that hasn't returned is his ability to walk. He can't walk at all. He needs rehabilitation. Our house isn't set up for that and my grandmother is too old to take care of him. She did that with my grandfather, who was bedridden before he died and it nearly killed her. That was like a decade ago. She definitely can't do it now. I wouldn't want her too. Nobody would. Plus my grandfather was a veteran, so he had a nurse among other things that come with that. My uncle wouldn't have such services and is probably racking up hospital bills as we speak despite his insurance. No matter what we tell him though, he's just convinced he could use a wheelchair and my grandmother can play his nurse/maid cleaning him up every day. Always about him. If he had a brain cell left and some empathy he wouldn't want to do that to her, but no not him. 🙄

And no way in hell would I take care of him. My dad either or his younger brother. It wouldn't work. We would probably end in jail for murder. 😝

So he's going end up in a nursing home where they have the equipment to help him. Well, until he can walk. I'm crossing my fingers that he can walk soon. He's going to drive everyone crazy. He's already terrorizing the hospital staff. Imagine him in a nursing home. He's already accusing of us not wanting him home. He's going be horrible. God help him, his nurses, and anyone who comes across him. Lord help you. I'm sorry. 😖

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