Thursday, June 14, 2018

Sophisticated Style (Seasons) - A6 & Scores

A6- Denim Does It!
Model: Jasmine Lee
Ewwwwww! Don't look. I don't like! Burn it with fire! (jk) Wasn't surprised I was eliminated. It's seriously last min dog poo! lol 💩💩💩

Wearing the given season's clothing outlined in the brief 10/10
Accessories that enhance your outfits plus those specified in the brief 5/5
Most classy and sophisticated appeal 8/10
Relevant background (this can be in-game or google) 9/10
Editing and proportion (this includes lighting and filters) 9/10
Total Points: 41/45
Comments: Jasmine looks great, but I’d put this outfit more in the neat and casual category rather than classy and sophisticated. If the jeans were a dark blue or black, and brand new -looking jeans, it would have made a big difference to the whole look. Regardless, I love her jewellery and makeup, shoes and bag, they all look great.

Wearing the given season's clothing outlined in the brief 10/10
Accessories that enhance your outfits plus those specified in the brief 5/5
Most classy and sophisticated appeal 9/10
Relevant background (this can be in-game or google) 9/10
Editing and proportion (this includes lighting and filters) 9/10
TOTAL: 42/45
I found her to be classy but not sophisticated – her blouse
I didn’t find this appropriate for this challenge
Proportion and shadow is off compared to the cars in this background.

Wearing the given season's clothing outlined in the brief 10/10
Accessories that enhance your outfits plus those specified in the brief 4/5
Most classy and sophisticated appeal 8/10
Relevant background (this can be in-game or google) 8/10
Editing and proportion (this includes lighting and filters) 8/10
Total Points: 38/45
Comments: Jasmine looks really cute here! It is really difficult to see her bag and it kind of gets blended in with the background. Overall the outfit looks a bit more junior/casual than classy/sophisticated. It doesn't really look like she's in her background and even the shadow looks just placed. Overall I think you did a really good job considering that you said you had to rush to get it in! Awesome entry!

Ugh do I have to talk about this? I did it the same night it was due. Literally, just slapped it together so I could have something. I would have done better dropping out. 

I don't hate the outfit, but the background is garbage for my model. That green hue is awful. Then my crappy shadow didn't help. Just ugh. 😣

The next assignment is to lurk from the sidelines because that's all folks for this one! I'm sorta relieved since I've been distracted lately by Vampyr and Detroit Become Human on the PS4. That and my Dead On Arrival story. I also suck at putting together sophisticated outfits. Still in the men's one, so I better get better at it. Wouldn't be surprised if I got eliminated from that too. 😅

P.S. My score for all 6 rounds. Didn't too bad. Still eliminated. xP

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