Thursday, October 1, 2015

Faery Fae- Cycle 3- A3 Scores

Vid & Nora
7th Place
49 points
Not exactly what I envisioned, but meh it's something.

Creativity: 9/10
Quality: 9/10
Creature Influence: 9/10
Total: 27/30
Wow Vid! I love Nora. I seriously love that you have such a different kind of fae creature from everyone else. Everyone else seems very benevolent (even Rin’s Lampad) but Nora is all evil and all beautiful! I love her in this shot. She’s the reigning queen of her bloody kingdom and that’s fabulous. Great work!

Creativity: 6/10
Quality: 8/10
Creature Influence: 9/10
Total: 22/30
Oh my! I'm not quite sure exactly what is going on here in this shot, but it's very scary. I love the other models they looks strong and fierce. Also Nora looks strong in her own way as well. Good Job!

7th again! I'm not surprise at all this time. I kind of deserve it. It's not my favorite, but it's something and much better than my other crappy attempts. 

The assignment was to show my fairy/model as a queen. I've done the whole queen thing with another red head model and I couldn't envision a fairy who spends all her time among the ruins as royalty, so I was very uninspired. Plus I didn't want to do yet another castle type setting again. 

Sooooo I grab a bit my inspiration from the movie of Queen of Damned, the queen from Snow White & the Huntsman and my overall love of vampires. I had this great vision of my model climbing out of out a pool of blood with servants on each side of her gawking at all her glory. Well that's how it was suppose to look like, but I didn't quite capture that. I think I got a bit too ambitious. 

I also wanted her partially nude, but then I was like "ehhhhh I don't feel like getting banned or having my photo not be seen by anyone on the forums today." Plus it didn't look like as artsy as in my head when I tried it, so I covered her up. Then she just looks nothing like I wanted. I couldn't find a badass crown to save my life.

TBH, I came close to giving up. I wasn't going to, but I was about to just do anything and turn it in. This is at least somewhat of an idea I had in my head. At least I tried.

The next assignment is to show how my model is effected by the sun or the moon. You can guess which one I'm going for. I'm going have to do some heavy editing to pull off my idea though. Ughhh it's going be a pain! 

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