Wednesday, December 31, 2014

I gotz me a PS4 this X-mas just so you know!

I got an PS4 for X-mas!!!! It's not many games to choose from, not many local muliplayer games at all, and I don't have wifi at the moment, but it's not bad. Beautiful graphics. I haven't had a new console since the Wii, so it was due time for a new one anyway. For games I got The Last of Us Remastered, Infamous: Second Son, Destiny, Grand Theft Auto V, Knack, Minecraft, and Injustice: Gods Among Us. 

I got Destiny for free with the console and can't play it do to no internet/wifi connection. The guy at the store also gave me Minecraft for free (super nice of him), but I have no damn clue WTF I'm doing or even looking at. I played Grand Theft Auto once on X-mas and haven't went back. I'll eventually play it again, because things aren't going well with The Last Us. I'll explain in a min. Infamous is ok, but it frustrated me a little today. I haven't played Knack yet. My dad keeps saying he's going play it with me since it's 2 player, but I can see him now losing interest in it with it being all cartoony. If so, I'll teach my grandmother to play maybe. lol My most favorite game out of all of these though is Injustice hands down. I get to beat the crap out of people with superheroes. Hell yeah! I totally got my ass kicked when my uncle played, but I've gotten better since that last time. Rematch! Me and my dad played too, but we're equally matched, which almost never happens. I love it! We actually got a tie going on, so it's rematch time for him too. I really hope they continue making some local co-op games, because it's much more fun to yell at someone beside you rather than online. Speaking of that, I can't wait for Mortal Combat X!

Now for The Last of Us. I actually sort of wanted PS4 for this game. Don't get me wrong, it's an very scary and awesome game. Scarier than I expected. It's just the damn game makes me super sick if go pass a hour and a half playing it. I literally feel dizzy and nauseous. I even have to lay my head down. I guess that would be the motion sickness they speak of. I got that sicky feeling during X-mas when I played it, but I pinpointed the issue to The Last Us yesterday after playing it. I went over my limit and felt ill. Played Infamous and Injustice for hours, but that game just seems like the death of me. It figures the one game I wanted to play the most is causing me issues. I do think it happens more when I gotta use the flashlight and I'm in tight spaces with enemies. I think coupled with that and having to move the camera around so frantically, it makes me have motion sickness. Maybe a little anxiety too. Sooo I'm kind of scared to play it now. It's a good game, but it's going be painfully slow if I can't play it more than a hour or so.  By the way, the adult female character that tags along with me drives me insane! She does nothing! Ughhhhhhh!

Infamous did have me feeling a bit weird today too, but I think that was mostly due to being frustrated and tired.

I think I could play Injustice all day though. xD

As for Minecraft, I thought it would be right up my alley with the creativity pitch. I really don't get it. I get the making things part to make a house, but I don't get the appeal of it. The graphics are hideous and everything look alike to me. I kept getting my crafting table mixed up with a block of dirt. I really really don't understand why it's so popular. It boggles my mind. To think someone made a billion dollars off it! It looks like something I could make if I took graphics design class. I don't get it!  -_-

The next post will be new years and sim realated crap. At least Sims doesn't make me sick.


  1. Wow. I'm totally jealous haha. I've always liked the look of infamous myself. One next gen console game I really like the look of is The Crew, oh and of course Just Dance! Haha. Happy Gaming!

  2. SR!!! *glomps* Infamous is a lot fun! Definitely a must for PS4. Then *gasp* another Kingdom Hearts is coming out this year. You gotta get you one! I hope you do.

    TBH tho PS4 is only worth getting when the price goes down and/or they have more games, so I would wait if you do plan to get one. ;)


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