Monday, September 20, 2010

Jarsie, do us a favor! STFU!

Jarsie...shut up!  
You would of thought she learned her lesson last time and stayed clear of Sarah's threads! Well, she wasn't start of it. *cough cough Lolzers, pugger64* They did admit they were rude, but still...stop harassing her! If you see her name, skip her post if it bothers you so much and save her the headache! Especially you Jarsie!


  1. Ugh. Okay, where is this thread, if it's still around?

    Or did Jarsie9 get it closed down because she couldn't resist bullying someone else?

  2. ^I believe its gone. Happen last night. All her post turn into debates about her misspelling and Cancer. Like leave her alone already and Jarsie still has a nerve harass her about it!

  3. Tch. She's such a nasty piece of work. It's assholes like her that should get perma'd not the decent people who do.

  4. Yeah, and go figure she'd post up some sexual thing on the forum and NOT get banned.

  5. Wow... Jarsie is the only person who seems to have a problem with Sara's spelling. I can read her posts just fine; for the average English speaker, it doesn't take a whole lot of effort to understand her. The only "compromise" that needs to happen is: Sara needs to be allowed to continue typing the way she does, and people need to either be understanding or ignore it because she's not offending anyone. Sara doesn't need someone to stand by and spell for her just because some anal retentive bitch wants her to tickle her asshole.

    Between Sara's freedom to misspell and Jarsie's freedom to be a raging dick of a woman, Sara's freedom is waaayyy more justifiable.

    (P.S. Hi, Vidkid. :-) Sorry to curse up a storm in your blog. lol)

  6. I always saw Jarsie in a different way than most in the forums, but now I'm seeing her in a whole new light.

  7. she gets a hard on by harassing people who are minding their own business. she feeds on it. like a lamprey. or a soul sucking demon hell bat she bitch


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