Thursday, March 4, 2010

The New Expansion Pack!
Hmmm...what do I think of it? Freaking awesome! I got to admit I'm extremely happy about this, despite all that has gone down with EA. I been wanting in game tattoos since Sims 2 and no more rabbit holes for work, plus more jobs! I'm thrilled, but I know with every game EA makes, glitches will come along with it, as EA seems to be spitting these games out fast! I mean a little too fast! I haven't accomplished everything in World Aventures and now another one. This ep can't possibly be glitch free as fast as EA is going with releasing Stuff Packs and Eps. My spidey senses tell me many complaint threads on the main site will pop up when this ep is released. I'm sure of it! Hell, I might make one of them if they really fuck it up. Also with this game a new patch will come and most likely cause outrage as EA seems to have no idea how to make a patch that actually fixes things without breaking something else! World Adventures, Ambitions...what will be next? Will they finally make pets or will it be seasons or mystical creatures as speculated on the EA forum after the lame mystical stickers they gave us to decorate our profile for a price. To honest I wish they had made/release this before WA as I first wanted more things to do around town and wasn't thrilled about traveling. I brought WA though and will buy this one too as many simmers will. No matter who runs the show, sim fans will still buy. Some will leave, but most all of them will come back soon or later because it's sims. Will you buy?


  1. I'll get it. If they fuck up my game I WILL carry out my threat of raping them in the face with a hammer. I heard it will have earthquakes. :)

  2. lol hey firestar. didn't see u. Earthquakes!? OMG! Thats awesome!

  3. Ikr! That's enough to get me to buy it. Lol.

  4. I downloaded the stupid patch that EA gave us for Ambitions, and my game won't load. WHY, EA, WHY!?!?


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